----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Stringini
To: Name Withheld
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: nut in every crowd. This means you not Pastor Murray
What Arnold Murray says and what he believes
are often very different things. I stand by any actual, "quotes," I may
have printed. Anything I put in quotes is accurate. If you don't know
that he believes that every ethnic "Jew" is really an ethnic "Kenite,"
then you just don't know him very well, what else can I say? I have him
on tape saying that if there are not six million Jews in New York, but
rather six million Kenites. You can hear him for yourself, if you care
to stop being so ignorant http://oraclesofgod.org/1980/jews.htm
And the only reason he won't say so publicly is because he is more
afraid of what men will say than about speaking what he believes to be
the truth. And that, is the truth.
A talking snake? Well, there was a talking
ass too. Balaam's ass. You have heard of that? Or are you biblically
illiterate? If it was not a snake then the scripture is highly
misleading, because it says there was a talking serpent and it describes
him as crawling on his belly.. I believe what the bible says, not the
imaginary and erotic stories that Arnold Murray makes up. The bible
says that they ate fruit from a tree and Arnold Murray says that they
had sex with the devil. I just believe what the bible says, call me an
idiot, but I actually think that the words written in the bible mean
what they say. The tree grew out of the ground and the fruit looked
good to eat. that is what the book says and I accept that.
Arnold Murray has also never said
that what you do in this life does not matter. Thats another lie.
I never said that he said that, what I said
is that he said that "God doesn't really care about your little old
sexual sins" Arnold said that what was more important was that we
should not worship Satan (as if there was really any difference) He said
that, and if you were not listening, that just makes you an ignoramus
who likes to talk. You don't know what you are talking about. I never
said that Arnold said what we do in life does not matter, and I'm sure
he'd consider what he actually did say as a minor mistake, but he
certainly said it. I know because I was listening.
He does tell you that Gods elect was
choosen before the foundations of this earth were laid, oh, I know why,
because that what Gods words said.
Does God's word say anything about them
being chosen, "Because they stood against Satan?" You know, that is what
Arnold says happened. But it is not in the bible and in fact
contradicts the whole idea of election. And that was my point, it is
funny how you clearly left that part out. The bible says that God chose
us, but Arnold lies and says that you chose God first. And that is one
big lie.
Your letter will make a fine example of the
sort of mean spirited and half-informed students Arnold Murray's
ministry produces.
Thanks for your assistance.
Paul Stringini