The purpose of OraclesofGod.Org is
to further the kingdom of the risen Lord Jesus Christ through the free
distribution of music, and other media created by Paul Stringini.
"For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required:
and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more. I am
come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already
kindled?" - Luke 12:48,49
My name is Paul Stringini, I was born in 1973 and have operated the
domain OraclesofGod.Org since late last century. I was it's first
and only owner. I
preach the good news of Jesus Christ and I teach the practice of
Christianity in this present world. You can find my statement of
faith linked from the doctrine page.
The initial and continuing practical purpose of OraclesofGod.Org
was and is to distribute, for free, the scripture songs I have been
blessed to create under the Oracles of God banner.
That purpose was expended in 2007. After renouncing the teachings
of the Shepherd's Chapel and Arnold Murray, I dedicated a section
of OraclesofGod.Org to engaging with Shepherd's Chapel students
and debating Shepherd's Chapel doctrine. At present, I am no
longer engaging in these debates..
In 2009 the purpose was expanded again to include the distribution of
audio bible studies.
In 2021 the purpose has been expanded to include music not created under
the Oracles of God brand, but which I believe serves the core purposes
of OraclesofGod.Org
I do, sing, and teach the things which God has taught me to do,
sing, and teach in the name of Jesus Christ. To
help believers obtain the things promised in his name by the scriptures.
For the glory of my Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ.