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This page is dedicated to dealing with specific issues of doctrine. In
order to provide necessary instruction in whole books of the Bible, I
have recorded numerous free
Audio Bible Studies.
These are presented in chapter by chapter, line by line form, and are
free for download or streaming. Audio Studies on Various Doctrines For additional questions in regards to issues that may not be considered strictly "doctrinal" see the Questions Page. 037). Answering Bob's Objections to the Trinity 1:48:33 (March 14, 2018) One of the incorrect ways of interpreting the nature of God is called "Modalism." This view reduces the persons of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit to mere roles which are being played. In this study, we examine one man's objections to the doctrine of the Trinity and learn how the distinctions between the Father, Son and Spirit cannot be reduced to mere roles. The nature of the relationships which exist between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit preclude a Modalist interpretation. Worship 58:40 (March 2, 2018) What is worship? What does it mean to worship God? In this study I examine the subject of worship from a biblical perspective and from a practical perspective. The Creator and the Uncreated 38:58 (October 27, 2017) A study examining the impact of the idea of uncreated people (people which God has decided not to create) has on the idea of libertarian free-will and an all-loving God. The creator must consider the uncreated and determine if the non-existent will come into being. Therefore the possibility of people who do not exists, weighs heavily against the idea that the Creator truly loves all. What Must I Do To Be Saved? 3:24:52 (September 15, 2017) One of the most basic questions Christians are likely to ponder. A three-and-a-half hour study on this subject might seem remarkable. Salvation is simple, but explaining it becomes complicated because we are saved by the spirit and not by the letter. The first two hours of this recording consist of a prepared study, the last hour and a half consists of detailed answers to questions from an email on this subject.
The Signs of the
End Times 1:02:16 (August 30, 2017) Arnold Murray and the Pre-incarnation Myth 3:32:35 (August 22, 2017) Arnold Murray taught and Dennis Murray continues to teach an unusual pre-incarnation mythology of mankind. This mythology states that the souls of men are the children (sons) of God (or angels). The mythology also states that theses sons lived with God on earth for millions of years, until the time of Satan's rebellion. At that time one third of God's sons followed the Devil. These events led to the world we now know. In this study I examine Arnold Murray's teaching based on his cassette #460 Preexistence. In my three and a half hour study, I extensively examine this teaching and all the scriptures Pastor Murray marshals in support of his remarkable mythology. I also uncover Arnold Murray's justification for creating such a mythology which is supported exclusively by his own claim to have special knowledge of these events.
Prophecy Update: Take Heed to Yourselves 1:31:30 (August 8, 2017)
In What Manner is Christ Divine?
2:22:31 (August 8, 2017) Poverty and Prosperity 1:05:16 (July 20, 2017) - A study embracing the poverty of spirit that enables us to prosper in God's Kingdom. How Christ Abolished the Commandments 1:42:05 (May 1, 2017) - There is significant misunderstanding of the way in which Christ has abolished the Old Testament laws and commandments. This study covers the basis and extent to which the Law (especially the Ten Commandments) has been abolished in Christ. Parable of the Workers' Wages 0:56:01 (April 24, 2017) - A very important parable from Matthew 20. This is possibly the least understood parable in the Bible. Christ shows how God is fair, but the selfishness and jealousy of men is never satisfied with fairness when God limits his generosity. A Parable from the Fig Tree 1:04:03 (April 19, 2017) - Many teachers of prophecy have concluded that we are in the final generation based on a questionable interpretation of the fig tree analogy. In this study, we look at all the ways in which the fig tree is used in prophecy, parable, metaphor, and analogy. The Unpardonable Sin 0:34:49 (April 2, 2017) - An email came in from someone who believed they had committed what is commonly called the "Unforgivable" sin. In this message we will look at Matthew 12 and discover if there is any possibility of redemption for someone who has blasphemed the Holy Spirit. Walking With the Spirit 1:45:42 (January 27, 2017) - Part 2 of a two part series on our relationship with the Holy Spirit. A study discussing ways in which the presence of the Holy Spirit impacts our lives as well as how we can recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit and use the great gift of His presence in us for the edification of ourselves and those around us. Receiving the Spirit 1:50:54 (January 27, 2017) - Part 1 of a two part series on our relationship with the Holy Spirit. A study exploring the ways in which one may come to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and in what manner the Holy Spirit will manifest Himself to the believer. Justifiable Confidence of Salvation 0:55:41 (December 1, 2017) - Usually, when we talk about salvation we do so in terms of assurance. We believe our salvation is assured, because God has promised it and we want to regard this dynamic as an absolute. But can we justify our belief that we are saved? Going To Some Church 0:35:02 (November 17, 2017) - Is it wrong for us to attend a church which teaches doctrines we don't believe? Millennium 1:03:07 (October 12, 2016) - In this study we look at the biblical concept of the Millennium. What is it? What will it be like? The study includes and overview of different views of the Millennium. Conspiracies of the Globalist Elite 1:16:28 (October 12, 2016) - Every once in a while I get emails about the various suspected conspiracies going on in the world today. In this recording I explain my position on such conspiracies and discuss the best ways to counter the evil influences in the world. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit 1:56:21 (August 17, 2016) - An examination of the nature of God in terms of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Including a look at the Nicene Creed. Holier Than Thou 0:24:15 (June 23, 2016) - Taking a look at the iconic phrase, "Holier Than Thou." What does this phrase mean? How does a "Holier than Thou," attitude manifest itself. The Word of God 1:21:39 (June 10, 2016) - When we say that the Scriptures are "inspired" what does that mean and to what extent do we apply that to everything written in the bible? Is the bible a repository of scientific truth? Should the biblical genealogies be used as a basis for determining the age of the earth? Judging 0:46:10 (March 6, 2016) - In this study we look at the ways in which it is and is not permissible for us to judge people and things. Sin By Inheritance 0:19:27 (February 26, 2016) - While I strive not to further stigmatize those who suffer from this sin, I was recently asked to comment on the issue of whether or not Homosexuality could be either genetic or an otherwise involuntary condition. In this study, I explain how that if Homosexuality is genetic or involuntary, it would only serve to confirm that the behavior is unnatural and undesirable; not only from a biblical perspective, but even more certainly from an evolutionary perspective. Promises 1:10:59 (February 14, 2016) - I often make reference to promises found in the scriptures the substance of which believers may obtain through faith. I was asked to elaborate on this subject, and this study is the result. The Love of God 1:48:07 (February 2, 2016) - Pervasive (and incorrect) beliefs about the nature and extent of God's love lead to a great deal of misunderstanding among Christians and nonbelievers. By insisting that God loves every single individual and wants to save every individual, these ideas force our mental image of God into a series of intellectual blind alleys from which a satisfactory understanding of God cannot be discerned. In this study, I demonstrate how these ideas are unsupportable both logically and scripturally, and attempt to describe God's love in light of the scriptures. Evil in the Purposes of God 1:46:59 (January 25, 2016) - For many people, the existence of evil is a primary reason for disbelief in God. I have often heard it said that the bible does not answer the question of evil. This is not true. Many do not want to acknowledge the bible's answer to the problem of evil, because it is not the sort of answer that people want to hear. A Discussion on the Subject of Hell 6:26:22 (May 11, 2015) - I received an email message late in 2014 from a pastor who objected to statements I had made in my studies against many prevailing views on the subject of Hell. The discussion went from email to an exchange of audio files. The dialog has compelled me to push forward on a comprehensive study of the subject which I hope will be complete in the next few months. False Prophetic Trends 1:32:31 The popular prophetic culture of our time is filled with speculators and ear-ticklers. We need to hold these false prophets accountable for their sensationalistic grandstanding and misleading predictions. In this program, I discuss various false prophetic ways of interpreting the bible and current events.
Statement of Faith
- The basics of what I believe. Doctrinal Writings God, His Nature and Character Among the crucial questions of our faith are, "Who is Jesus Christ?" and "What is the Nature of God?" A few years ago I wrote a paper exploring the question from a purely textual basis, that is what started this doctrine page. On Jesus Christ and The Nature of God (March 31, 2009) One of the things that necessitated the writing of the above article was some statements I had made about the doctrine of the Trinity. The above article does not discuss the Trinity directly but the following does. For the Most Up to date information on my position regarding the Trinity see audio #30 In What Manner is Christ Divine? On the Doctrine of the Trinity An early look at the doctrine of the Trinity On the Use of the "Sacred Names" Why I stopped using Hebrew names for God and Christ in my songs in favor of traditional English substitutions. Humanity, Our Nature, Character, and Destiny Subjects such as death, human origins, what salvation means etc.I Believe in Death and In the Resurrection of the Dead (January 22, 2013) - The culmination of 20 years of immersion in the scriptures. Available in both text and audio format. This is subject is very dear to me because for so many the doctrines of death and resurrection has been obscured and corrupted. I have taken great pains and gone to great lengths to demonstrate the proper understanding of these doctrines. On the Importance of Sound Doctrine Why is doctrine important? 1 Timothy 4:16 Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee. A number of people who write me are of the opinion that doctrine is not very important. Of course, the idea that doctrine is not very important, is itself a very significant doctrine. Doctrine is unavoidable, because it is the description of what we believe. Even if we think we base our faith solely on experiences, the idea of basing one's faith on experiences is also a doctrine. And it remains a doctrine whether we consciously call it one or not. If doctrine is the description of what we believe, it follows that doctrine is critical to salvation by faith in Jesus Christ. We know Christ by doctrine or by doctrines we derive from experiences as Christians. Doctrine is the means by which faith in Christ is communicated from one person to another. We may know Christ from experience, and speak of him so, but unless that experience yields some sort of doctrine which we can communicate to others, our experience is useless for the benefit of other people. Doctrine has been fought over for all the history of Christianity (and all history in general) but in Christianity doctrine has a preeminent position, so given human nature, this is not surprising. Doctrine is important in Christianity because our salvation proceeds from God through faith. That means, to a large extent, that doctrine is what teaches us what our faith is, that is how doctrine saves us. Many people lament the contentious reality of doctrine in the hands of human beings. And it is through this lament that I believe they come to despise the idea of having "correct" doctrine, and to despise anyone that attempts to make a doctrinal stand. But we are called to contend for the faith (Jude v3), and that means fighting for the truth, our faith which is communicated in doctrine. We cannot expect to have sound doctrine if we take a passive posture in the faith. We have to pursue the truth and be diligent to obtain it. Jude 3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. We are not called to be contentious, but when it is time to contend for the faith we must be willing to fight for what we believe in. It may seem like a contradiction, and I suppose it is, because human experience is full of contradictions, nevertheless, it is what is expected of us. Titus 2:7 In all things showing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine showing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, Also, according to many people who write me, it is impossible to show "uncorruptness in doctrine." One of the most common things people say to me about doctrine generally follows this line, "No one can have perfect doctrine, everyone has a little false doctrine, you make mistakes too." While I will not argue with the last statement, the first two are the more important and based on false assumptions. Part of the problem is that the doctrines that many people hold and attempt to communicate to others as matters of faith are actually matters of conscience which, right or wrong, constitute corruption of doctrine. If we stick to the simple truths of Christianity, it is not hard to get things right. But when we stray in to areas of knowledge which are neither clear nor critical to our faith, we begin to corrupt our doctrine. When discussing this idea of "corruption" I want to explain the idea in the same terms that Christ and his Apostles did. Corruption in doctrine is also referred to as "leaven" which is the old word for, "yeast." What does yeast add to bread? It puffs it up, makes it look bigger, but adds nothing nourishing or substantive to it. Yeast does make the bread softer, more palatable, and appealing to humans though, and, boy, that is a perfect analogy. Most doctrinal corruptions make the simple doctrine of Christ more "interesting." Matthew 16:12 Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. Corrupt doctrine is that which does not add to our faith in a way that is truly beneficial or edifying. That can be difficult to measure, since most people equate edification with "good feelings." That which truly edifies is leading you to salvation and towards conformity with Christ. For example, it is very popular these days to argue about how old the earth is. There is certainly a true answer to the question. But whether the earth is a few thousand years old, or a few billion, such matters should not be part of our gospel and faith. And I get arguments from people all the time, "But if you count back the genealogies and count the days of creation, you come up with... it is the truth of GOD's WORD!" That is all assuming that those genealogies and days were written to intentionally communicate an accurate age of the earth, and to answer human curiosity about such things, and that is a big assumption. And it goes further than that, but my purpose here is not to argue the point, (which I could accept from either perspective, it matters not to me) but rather to say that right or wrong, the matter of the truth of the earth's age is a form of leaven in doctrine, it adds nothing substantive to my faith which would help me grow into the image of Christ, nothing. 1 Timothy 1:4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do. If we can't see how that such calculation is absolutely not edifying then we ought to put in some time praying about it. Doctrine is supposed to help us grow in the faith, that does not mean that we just, "believe in God harder," it means that the things we obtain in the faith, by faith, should be a growing experience. Good, sound doctrine, is that which helps us grow up into Christ in our minds and in our behavior. 1Timothy 6:3 If any man teach otherwise, and consent
not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to
the doctrine which is according to godliness;
One of the most tempting and seductive forms of gain, is not the gain of money, but rather the seduction which comes from the promise of the gain of special, hidden, secret, or forbidden KNOWLEDGE. The serpent tempted Eve with knowledge, and so also do many teachers of corrupt doctrines tempt us with doctrines which are not according to godliness but rather according to the human desire for ANSWERS. Humans are curious creatures who like to have their questions answered so secret knowledge is very tempting. Colossians 2:18 ...intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, Paul was speaking of matters of conscience, and so am I. There is no sin in having an opinion about how old the Earth may be. But that is not the sort of knowledge on which we ought to base our faith. And one should be very careful about intruding into such matters. And remember I use that issue only as a very minor example. If you want a bigger example, just visit my "Shepherd's Chapel" section on doctrine. 1 Corinthians 8:2 And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know. I have tried to practice that sentiment in all my inner thoughts and I hope that in my writings on doctrine I can help communicate to others the substance of important doctrines and the folly of doctrines which constitute corruption.
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