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Return to "The Shepherd's Chapel and Dr. Arnold Murray" Main Page Pastor Arnold Murray does not speak anything that is not in the Word of God Question/Comment:
I could not locate a response to these messages. So I'll give some quick ones now. Pastor Arnold Murray does not speak anything that is not in the Word of God,Well, that is not true, and it is really a contradiction of what this writer later asserts. "Reading the Word is not what is important," I.e. that knowledge does not come from simply reading the bible, but it comes from God by direct revelation. (a sentiment I do not totally disagree with). and as I was looking for his link for an individual, and I saw your statements. I then told a member of my own ministry not to listen to the spirit of the devil (the accuser of brethren), for he always speaketh against those who speak the truth. That is very convenient. But I could say the same about the people who speak against me. The difference is that I am a teacher of righteousness. Murray is a teacher of fables and strange doctrines which the Apostles did not teach. Let me edify Pastor Arnold Murray for you for a second. I received through revelation knowledge the truth of the Jews. My Lord told me in spirit that the Kenites are who killed Him - and guess what - yes they are the Jews. You see, you must have the interpretation of God to understand His Word, and not go by "what you think it means." I agree that the spirit is ultimately the one who reveals the truth in the scripture. The spirit of God told me otherwise, so I guess we'll have to let the spirit of God in the heart of believers judge between this writer and I; as to whom God is revealing truth, and to whom God is not revealing truth. God Himself told the Jews "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." He was not using a euphemism here - He was speaking the truth. I wouldn't call that a euphemism, I would call it spiritual. They were spiritually the children of the devil. This must be so because in the same passage Christ says to the exact same people "I know that ye are Abraham's seed" And THAT is not a Euphemism. That means that they are the flesh and blood descendants of Abraham. If you spiritualize that one, then you would be saying that the men who rejected Christ were the spiritual seed of Abraham. If they are the seed of Abraham and the children of the devil, they cannot be literally the seed of both. Certainly not according to the teachings of Murray. I say that they were spiritually of the devil and carnally descended from Abraham. Murray actually asserts that the Kenites are the seed of Abraham spiritually in his cassette on "Kenites." However, the devil in truth is Cain - who was conceived and manifested into the womb of Eve for she believed the lies of Satan instead of God's Word. She disobeyed God. Cain was the first murderer. If he was a murderer because he was carnally descended from the devil, then what was David's excuse? If being the child of the devil is what makes one a sinner, then why does anyone that is not a Kenite need Christ? You know when you listen to and believe the lies of Satan, the lies are manifested into your life - thus she conceived Cain (a lie), instead of listening to and believing the Word of God and God's Word thus manifesting blessings in her life. That is another version of "the parents have eaten the sour grapes and the children's teeth are set on edge" it is not true. When God states that the devil is a liar - and the father of it - He is also referring to the devil's (the liar) son Mammon (the father of 'it'). Don't know what to say to that because I don't follow the logic. The Lord had told me that Cain is of the tribe of the Orient - therefore, the Asians are of Cain. This is a special revelation. What can I say, God said no such thing to me. Neither is it in the word. However, the scripture in which He states that the Jews are of their father the devil, refers to the fact that also, a daughter of Cain became of Jew - and that is who are the Kenites and how the Jews are now also of their father the devil - through that one daughter. Well, this is all special knowledge which can't be argued with. So she says. I have not received revelation knowledge as to who it is as of yet (the daughter), but when I know, you will know as well, to help you in your studies of the Word of God and His Truth alone. Well, I appreciate her optimism on my behalf. I pray and trust that the truth will be revealed to her as well. Reading the Word is not what is important, it is a Christian receiving the truth, through the revelation of God (God speaking directly to them), as to what His Word truly means. Well, you have to read the word for God to be able to reveal to you what it means. I need the spirit of God to teach me the bible. But the spirit makes the word Plainer, and Plainer and enables me to accept the things that are PLAINLY written. I have never had the spirit reveal things to me in such a way that was more and more contradictory to what is written. You may need to look up the true meaning of being a Christian and revelation knowledge. Why look it up? God should reveal that to me, shouldn't he? But, seriously, God does reveal things. But they are only hidden in plain sight, that is what he has shown me.
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