----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Stringini
To: Name Withheld
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2013 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: yours
Do you spend more time trying to discredit this man or bettering
your own life?
Bettering my own life. Thanks for asking.
Why is god not GOD in your e-mail address?
My email address is not a proper name, it is an internet address based
on my DOMAIN name. No one on the whole internet has a capital letter in
their domain name. As much as I might have liked to have had the domain
name "OraclesofGod.org." I am stuck with "oraclesofgod.org." If one
types capitals into the address bar of an internet browser they will
shift to lower-case after you hit enter.
Also, capital letters are a man-made construct. At least when I make my
remarks about Murray, I have more substantial things to say about him,
than some do about me when they have read evil into the lower-case
letters in my domain. But, of course, God is not in capital letters,
but in the doctrine which we understand to be of Christ.
Paul Stringini