----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Stringini
To: Name Withheld
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2012 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: races
Hi Name Withheld, Well, it is not a clear issue whether there
were any races in the time of Adam and Eve, at least not the ones that
we are familiar with (Caucasoid, Mongoloid, & Negroid), according to the
scriptures the entire world was of one speech, up until the tower of
Babel, at which time the nations were divided. The "world" could have
been referring to the world of those people, if you believe in a local
flood. There is Noah and his family to consider if you do not believe
in a local flood.
A lot of the ideas that are being put out there about
races being separately created arise from a misunderstanding of how DNA
and genetics work.
Races are the product of genetic isolation, when
a population of humans become isolated from other groups, over a
period of centuries, there is a loss of genetic information which
restricts the potential diversity of the offspring. Adam and Eve
would have had very rich DNA and the original race of men were not
like any of the races we know today. When the nations were divided,
the gene pool was split up and genetic information was lost.
The thing is that when you mix races up you can
begin to get interesting results.
When the races mix back up they can partially replicate the genetic
diversity which existed in ages past. The couple below produced
these two twin girls, one very black, one very white. The parents
themselves were the products of mixed race parents, so this
represents two generations of mixing, and they were able to produce
a blonde haired blue eyed child and a black one. One might not
expect a couple that LOOKED like this to be able to produce blonde
haired blue eyed offspring. But they did. If you could put all the
races back together again, you might be able to see what the
original human race looked like.

This is a true story, it has been verified as true by the
urban legends website, this is not legend, it happened. If the races
were as some people assume, and genetics worked the way some
people misunderstand, then mixed race parents would just produce muddier
and muddier children, supposedly "pure" races would become "corrupted."
But as races mix back up, a very diverse variety of children can be
produced from parents who look nothing like the child. Two "black"
people (second generation mixed) can produce a lily-white "pure"
blue-eyed "Aryan" girl, that is how genetics work.
Races are not much different than dog breeds. When you
mix up pure bred dogs the offspring come out in a variety of ways,
because you have created all kinds of combination possibilities. One of
which is that the pup will come out looking pure-bred, but also that it
might come out looking like a mixture. They still come up with new dogs
because there is so much possibility. If we bred humans like dogs we
could make new races, the principle is the same, isolation and selective
breeding. The races come from a similar process.
Paul Stringini