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I knew Pastor Murray was a false
teacher from day one But I was attracted to the way he used the Strong's with
the King James.
----- Original Message -----
From: Name Withheld
To: Paul Stringini
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 6:43 PM
Subject: S.C.
I don't know if you are keeping up your S.C. page but if you are, my
story is the opposite of yours. I knew Pastor Murray was a false teacher
from day one But I was attracted to the way he used the Strong's with the
King James. I figured since I could spot error I would study along to see if
I could gain knowledge thru the manuscripts. This was a sin against God and
I repented. We all must remember that our battle is not against flesh and
blood. Satan attacks us thru false teaching and if he can lead us away from
the truth he wins. I found myself starting to believe some of his false
doctrine. I have a lot more to say. If interested just reply
Name Withheld
My First Response:
Unfortunately, this was one of those
messages that fell through the cracks. After reading the message I
neglected to reply for weeks until months later I came across the message again
and replied
----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Stringini
To: Name Withheld
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: S.C.
Name Withheld, I'm sorry that I didn't write back to
you right off the bat but I've been busy working on my new album and
your message was not one of the ones that needed immediate attention
(there is no question that I need to answer). I am still keeping up my
SC page it is just that I am about a year behind on updating all the
emails I have corresponded with. I usually keep pretty up to date on
answering email questions at least on the answering part. I would be
interested in what you have to say and I would post your remarks on my
Shepherd's chapel page.
Paul Stringini
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