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"THIS IS NO JOKE" People are being deceived here. Please remember to pray for Dr. Murray and his followers."
----- Original Message -----
From: xName
and Address Withheld
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 8:29 PM
Subject: Thanks Paul
Hello Paul,
My name is John xxxxxxxxxxx.
I was up late last night and caught a portion of Dr. Murray's program. I Only needed to watch for a short time
before knowing what was being preached.
Funny thing though. As my day progressed, I realized that I my thought life was preoccupied with his message.
It kept wanting to run in the background of my mind. "if you will". I have been a Christian long enough to know
that my mind is a battlefield. So I shut that off as well.
I decided to check him out on the web and found your site. I spent sometime reading the emails posted
and was moved with great compassion for Dr Murray's followers. To me the deception is so clear, I am
amazed at deception and what people choose to believe. Even when presented with the clear truth
of "GOD'S WORD", not yours, they will continue to believe the lie.
My reason for writing is to encourage you as a brother. To say I admire how God has is using you and
that I will do my best to remember you in prayer as often as possible.
Sincerely - JF
PS... For anyone else who reads this email and is moved in the Spirit "THIS IS NO JOKE" People are being
deceived here. Please remember to pray for Dr. Murray and his followers.
2nd Corith 10: 1-6 (Look it up)
My Response:edits in maroon and in
( ), as in:
(this is an example of an edit)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 1:19 AM
Subject: Re: Thanks Paul
John, Thanks for taking the time to write and sorry I'm not very quick with replies, I get accused of being a pro at this and it is really something I squeeze in to an otherwise very full life.
I think this kind of deception arises from ignorance, the ignorant are conditioned to see things in the scriptures (like sex in the garden of
Eden) which the original writers (much less God) had no intention of communicating.
I sympathize with your pity, I was once very devoted to Dr. Murray (I do know he is not a Dr.) People who still follow him see me as something even worse than an unbeliever, because I "had the truth once" but cast it aside. Really, I shouldn't even exist, that is why people try to deny my "story" (a development which I never anticipated)
I recently updated my website and one of the emails I added in particular is a sad example of how mean-spirited and just un-Christian behavior is exemplified by people who have been schooled by Dr. Murray. (look for the one with the long title)
It may go back to his repudiation of Jesus teaching of "Love your enemies" and "turn the other cheek" because he mocks and contradicts both teachings I think it inspires a certain unpleasant attitude.
Anyway, Thanks for your support,
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