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"He (Dr. Murray) is obviously blind to the bible and what it means. He is adding and taking away..."
----- Original Message -----
Name and Address Withheld
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 2:21 PM
Subject: Very Important Question I Hope You Have An Answer
Dear Sir,
I came across your article while trying to find an e-mail for Arnold Murray. I read what you had to say and was glad to hear that you figured him out also. Since you knew a lot about the church of Arnold Murray I was wondering if you might have an e-mail for him. I would like to send him and e-mail myself. He is obviously blind to the bible and what it means. He is adding and taking away and I'm sure we both know what that means to do so. I am just worried about the many souls being deceived out there and I would just like to send him a word on just that. Thank you for your time in this matter, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
My Response:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 4:16 PM
Subject: Re: Very Important Question I Hope You Have An Answer
No, I don't. I do not think he makes that public, but if you wish to write something I will publish it on my page (so long as it is based on the bible and not on accusations of other misconduct, as some have asked).
Do not worry about the people who are deceived, God has made allowance that it would be so. Focus on doing what he has taught you is right, and on what he is calling you to do about it. That by our labors, perchance, a few may be recovered from the snare of the devil.
Remember, Dr. Murray is blind, as you said, and he thinks he is leading people to safety, not destruction.
Paul Stringini
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