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Your Site
Looks More Like Hell
----- Original Message -----
From: Name and Address Withheld
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 6:00 AM
Subject: your site
Looks more like hell.
My First Response:edits in maroon and in
( ), as in:
(this is an example of an edit)
----- Original Message -----
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: your site
There is nothing to see in hell. It is
blackness and darkness. There is neither memory, nor thought, nor feeling.
The only fire that burns souls is the fire of God, In the place of burning
there is no strange fire.
Your remark tells me that you don't really know much about hell (either that
or you were trying to insult me). If you really want to know anything you
will first relinquish your prejudices and misconceptions, I recommend my
bible studies.
Audio Bible Studies
Emailer's First Reply:
----- Original Message -----
From: xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: your site
I study with The Shepherd's Chapel. So I know
what and when hell is to be. I know that my Father is "a consuming fire" to
those who do not love Him. I think of Him in a different "light".
My Second Response: edits in maroon and in
( ), as in:
(this is an example of an edit)
----- Original Message -----
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 9:24 AM
Subject: Re: your site
Well, in light of that, your first remark
doesn't make much sense to me, unless you meant, "your site looks like hell"
in the common sense, i.e. that it looks bad, perhaps evil.
To which I can only respond that there is no accounting for taste.
Emailer's Second Reply:
----- Original Message -----
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: your site
Exactly, when the site first opens, it appears
as something from a cult or evil minded organization. Some would not stay
to read. Flames on a race car look racey. But
it seemed a bit of a put off. That may be a
matter of taste or just southern upbringing and age.
My Third Response: edits in maroon and in
( ), as in:
(this is an example of an edit)
----- Original Message -----
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: your site
Now this is a strange thing, here you are, a student of the Shepherd's
Chapel and you are advising me (an enemy) on how to make my site more
appealing. That is kind of you. (and this is becoming an interesting
Really though, cult organizations usually have
slick and very "nice" looking websites, brimming over with "goodness." http://www.lds.org/
You know this, Satan himself is disguised as an angel of light. But when
the Israelites approached the mountain where God had descended in fire, they
were too afraid to approach or even that he should speak to him. So good
things do not always look "good" to the flesh. I do think that there is a
point at which a site can look so evil that it distracts and even deceives
people, (if it quacks like a duck...). I'm not really worried about that, I
don't think my site is like that at all. I know what you are up to, and I
don't mind.
You tell me you know that God is a consuming fire, yet you do not like my
web design. I do not try to manipulate people by use of a slick or
"appealing" web design. The quote in my flame says "is not my word like as
a fire..and like a hammer..." and that is what my ministry is about, the
flaming burning word and the hammer of God in the mouth of a prophet, I am
here to burn and set fire, because I am a minister of fire, my music is the
word of God, my teachings are the word of God and fire. God appears with
fire everywhere, burning angels are around him, he stands in the midst of
burning candlesticks, in the last days his servants will kill their enemies
with fire from their mouths.
Your difficulty does not come from being southern, or because you are so
young, it comes from being American and growing up a typical soft American
Christian upbringing. That is probably what I hate most about Dr. Murray's
teachings, he caters to the softness of Americans, he denies that we must
suffer. But all who will live righteously will suffer.
Philipians 1:29 "For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only
to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake;"
Also, I am proud to be a member of my cult, my
cult is the best cult in the world. That word means almost nothing to
me. From my perspective, everyone is in a cult, the Catholic cult,
the Baptist cult, the LDS cult, and not all show true cult-like devotion to
their truth. The worst cult of all is so-called orthodoxy, the mainstream,
and I'm very glad that my website looks very different from any of theirs.
The trick is to be in the right cult and devote yourself to the truth and
obedience thereto. Dr. Murray is also a cult of personality, and of
doctrine, and the things many of his initiates devote themselves to from his
doctrine are utterly without profit and will never result in eternal life.
I do not say that to offend you (though I know it may) but it is my
sincerest opinion.
Paul Stringini
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