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Why Call Dr. Arnold Murray, "Doctor," When He
is Not a Doctor?
----- Original Message -----
From: Name and Address Withheld
Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2009 2:30 PM
Subject: Arnold Murray
Hello my friend.
I just came across your website. Really good
stuff. You are doing a wonderful job.
I would however remove the Dr. from Murray's
name. It has been proven that the man he said he got it from does not
exist neither does his thesis.
I have been trying to debate some of Murrays
clones on the God like Productions web site. It usually comes down to me
against 3 or 4 of his players. Like you, I feel that the truth of God's
Word needs to be put out there for others to read and see the
I hope you do not mind me using some of your
material to rebuke this clones.
My First Response:edits in maroon and in
( ), as in:
(this is an example of an edit)
----- Original Message -----
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: Arnold Murray
Thank you for this, I've been waiting for someone to ask me, "why do you
call him a Dr. when everyone knows he isn't?" Or something like that, so I
could talk about it on my site, this will make a nice addition. Obviously,
I'm aware that Dr. Murray fibbed about being a Doctor. From what I
understand he does not even call himself "Doctor" anymore. It used to be
printed on all his cassettes and the Shepherd's Chapel Broadcast announcer
used to announce him as "Doctor" Murray. It was in the mid-90's that it
started being removed because researchers where questioning it (I think).
The reason I stubbornly refer to him as
"Doctor" is because he stopped. And it is rich irony for a man who likes to
go around declaring that his "credentials" are "my ability to teach," to
have added a false "Doctor" to his name. Begging the question, "If your
ability to teach is your credentials, then why do you call yourself
Even if he reallty was a "Doctor," -- If his ability to teach is supposed to
be how we judge him, then why did every broadcast announce that a "DOCTOR"
was about to rain wisdom on us? If he really believed what he said about
his "credentials" then he never would have sought to prop up his reputation
by giving himself an honorific title which he had not even earned.
Plus, "Doctor" does not impress me, many false teachers are Doctors, in
fact, the seminaries which produce the ministers of Satan are all run by
Doctors. What is the greatness of a Doctor? Except that one blind expert
approve of the other blind's experts keen vision. They be the blind leaders
of the blind and they lead nowhere but to the ditch. Thus it has always
been, and thus shall it ever be.
Dr. Murray sought to impress people with a
title, he lied to himself saying, "Because of my vast knowledge and the
depths of my understanding, by all rights, I ought to be a doctor," And his
lovers encouraged him with sweet words of praise and it seemed a good thing
to do. And so his folly was made manifest.
You can use portions of my writing to argue with
them or links to it, I do not mind.
I need to do an update, I've been working on other stuff lately.
Paul Stringini
Emailer's Reply:
----- Original Message -----
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: Arnold Murray
Nice to hear from you Paul.
As a matter of fact, Doctorates can be purchased
on line now.
This cult of Murray's seems to be one of the
most insidious that I have seen in awhile. I am amazed at how little it
takes to hook some people with such foolish teaching.
God be with you.
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