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"Has Pastor Murray ever given you any response to your article?"
----- Original Message -----
Name and Address Withheld
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 11:26 AM
Subject: Shepherd's Chapel
How is it that there is no information about Pastor Murray. For example: How old is he? Does he still preach (teach) daily. It seems to me that when I do watch it is repeats. I'm asking you these questions because you stated that you were a once a follower of his teachings. I usually watch to see how he will answer his mail during the last half hour of the program. It is odd that most of all the questions he receives are the same as with his answers. Hopefully you can answer these questions as I am very eager to know. Best Regards: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Post Script: Has Pastor Murray ever given you any response to your article? |
My First Response:edits in maroon and in
( ), as in:
(this is an example of an edit)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 22, 2009 1:06 AM
Subject: Re: Shepherd's Chapel
How is it that there is no information about Pastor Murray. For example: How old is he? |
Some of that info used to be in wikipedia, (I think), but his article got tampered with so much that I guess they deleted it. The last time I saw one of my old Chapel friends, a few years back, I commented that Dr. Murray must be getting up there in age, and he mentioned his age and that his wife had died, I forget how old he said he was, but he is over 80.
Does he still preach (teach) daily. It seems to me that when I do watch it is repeats.
When I used to watch him in Chicago he was on four hours per night, one of those hours was the live broadcast from the previous day (it took me a while to figure out which one) I believe that he still does teach daily unless there has been some recent development I may be unaware of... I do not watch him anymore. The thing is that they re-air all of his old broadcasts constantly. They have a 24 hour satellite channel, filled with old broadcasts, he usually teaches one single hour-long program a day, he occasionally takes a day or two off, but not very often (at least back when I watched him, in the first half of the 90's). I think he does take more time off these days. I heard Dennis was doing more, but they'll keep airing Dr. Murray after he is dead.
I usually watch to see how he will answer his mail during the last half hour of the program. It is odd that most of all the questions he receives are the same as with his answers.
I think I know what you mean about the questions. Dr. murray's strange teachings usually inspire questions based on those teachings. Sometimes people are incredulous and they are looking for clarification like "I heard you say that __________. How can that be if ___________ ?" So by having many provocative things to say he provokes many questions about those subjects.
I did write him a question once, it was actually unique, and unrelated to his particular doctrines, but I could have answered it myself if I had been a little more diligent at the time.
Has Pastor Murray ever given you any response to your article?
No, I never expected him to respond. Why would he? He is the guy with the worldwide ministry. The best course of action against a little ant like me is to ignore me. If he did it would be a huge blunder.
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